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Embracing AI and Loving the New AI Revolution

By AI, NEP2020 3 Comments

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Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Large Language Model Tools in Librarianship

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are revolutionizing every occupation, including librarianship. For librarians, embracing AI can save time, provide dynamic ideas, enhance library services, streamline administrative tasks, and facilitate deeper learning experiences for our patrons and profession. I am sharing ways I have used various AI tools to support my patrons. So much is happening, and I am excited to try out ChatGPT Omni. For now, here is a post about using AI tools.

Collection Analysis:

It is recommended that librarians use AI tools to accurately manage library resources and provide an analysis of our collection. I have not found them particularly useful, as our OPAC systems, like Destiny/Follett and Koha, already do a good job. These OPAC tools can help identify gaps in the collection by analyzing borrowing patterns along with the books on the shelves.

Research Support for High School

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As a school librarian, I have found it very useful to use Perplexity AI and Bing Copilot to address queries, assist with research, and guide users in navigating large amounts of information by summarizing and providing sources. I am almost tempted to stop using Google.

I recently helped an IB student create an outline for his extended essay research using Grammarly Generative AI (Premium version) and ChatGPT 3.5. It gave him direction on gathering information step by step and incorporating it into his paper. I also created an  EE Companion Chatbot, (using Chatgpt4) where students can submit their Extended Essay research papers and receive feedback.

 Research Support for Middle School

One middle school student struggled to understand the concepts of capitalism and democracy, their evolution, and which form of government he might prefer. ChatGPT explained democracy and capitalism with a simple prompt: Explain democracy to a 4th grader with metaphors and examples.” It then provided questions to check the student’s understanding. (You need to include the prompt asking the AI tool to work as a kind, supportive Tutor, that doesn’t give the answers right away)

Supporting Teachers

In collaboration with a Language Arts teacher, she and I created a Mizou chatbot that could translate Shakespearean language into modern English to understand Romeo and Juliet, aiding students in understanding the nuances of Romeo and Juliet. Check out other examples on the Mizou gallery.

As a librarian, I support English Language Learners using Diffit , which helps scaffold text and simplify videos. This tool makes delivering content and concepts easier. Input a link, select the grade level, ask for comprehension questions, and it’s ready for you.

Recently, I used Brisk to create a presentation on Google Slides, lesson plans, and a quiz. I didn’t need to embed it in another tool, as it did everything for me.

I love these tools; they help make life easy.

AI tools that I have used.

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– Magic School: content creator, YouTube summaries and questions, choice boards


– ChatGPT

– Bing Copilot

– Perplexity

Crowdsourced Ideas

Some crowdsourced ideas on how other librarians are using ChatGPT are here:

1. Emails

2. Library reports

3. Lesson plans

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4. Citations

5. Library Manual

6. Library evaluation

7. Curating or recommending resources

8. Formulating questions

9. Generating ideas

10. Book reviews

11. Age-appropriate book recommendations

12. Character descriptions

13. Title recommendations based on learner profiles

14. Book classification through AI

15. Reading challenge questionnaires

16. Book-based interactive activities

17. Quizzes based on books

Ethical use of AI tools

Issues related to privacy, data security, and the ethical use of AI should be carefully considered. I’m glad the technology team at my school manages data security while the entire team, including librarians, ensures ethical use of information. I am using the IB-prescribed norms and am inspired by Wharton Professor Ethan Mollick’s work. I recently presented at the Unplugged Conference on the ethical use of AI tools. Here is the revised presentation (if it makes sense) 

As we move forward, it is exciting to see how AI continues to shape the future of librarianship, opening new avenues for collaboration and use of information, and driving and building our intelligence and creativity.

Checklist for using AI Tools

By AI No Comments

AI Checklist for Students

As a secondary school library media specialist, I am learning how incredibly useful AI tools can be. Still, it is up to us to know how to use these AI tools ethically and responsibly. AI tools can be handy for students when researching and writing assignment papers, and students need to learn how to use them in a way that is ethical and responsible.

A checklist can help students understand the basics of AI. We are responsible for all the content we share and create. When using AI tools, it is recommended that we acknowledge the AI tool and cite it when used for evidence or to prove a point during research. It is to be treated like any other information source when we present our research findings.

Here is a checklist for secondary school students above 13 using AI Tools


  1. Understand the Basics: Before using any AI tool, understand what AI is and how it works. This will help you use the tool more effectively and responsibly.
  2. Follow Guidelines: Always follow the guidelines provided by the AI tool. This includes understanding the tool’s capabilities and limitations.
  3. Respect Privacy: Be mindful of privacy issues. Do not use AI tools to access or share sensitive information unless it’s necessary and appropriate.
  4. Think Critically: AI tools can be powerful, but they’re not always perfect. Use your own judgement in addition to the AI’s suggestions. Use your knowledge to check for correct information while identifying biases.
  5. Stay Safe: Be aware of potential risks and threats when using AI tools online. Protect your personal information and be cautious of potential scams or malicious software.
  6. Follow the School’s Policy: It is important to understand and share the school’s policy on AI tools and must follow the guidelines.


  1. Don’t Over-rely: While AI tools can be helpful, don’t rely on them for everything. It’s important to think for yourself and develop your own skills.
  2. Don’t Misuse: Do not use AI tools for harmful or unethical purposes. This includes bullying, cheating, or violating others’ privacy.
  3. Don’t Ignore Errors: If you notice that an AI tool is not working properly or is providing incorrect information, don’t ignore it. Report the issue to the appropriate person or organization.
  4. Don’t Skip Updates: Keep your AI tools up-to-date to ensure they work effectively and securely.
  5. Don’t Share Without Consent: Do not share others’ information without their consent, even if an AI tool allows you to do so. (The information collected by AI tools and other technology tools are often shared with third-party entities)

Educators and Librarians must continue to discuss the ethical and responsible use of AI tools. All users of AI tools are responsible for the content created by them; therefore, checking for inaccurate information lies on the individual as they engage with AI tools to produce content.

Here is a short checklist of Do’s and Don’t for students when using AI tools for research and writing


✔️ Use AI tools for research, data analysis, and information retrieval to enhance their learning experience.
✔️ Acknowledge and cite AI-generated content when used in assignments or projects.
✔️To Avoid plagiarism and provide proper attribution for AI-generated work.
✔️ Engage with AI-driven platforms and tools for personalized learning experiences
✔️ Seek help from AI-driven tutoring systems for assistance in understanding and practising academic concepts.
✔️ Use AI tools responsibly and with integrity
✔️ Employ AI tools for creative projects while maintaining originality and artistic expression and driving your own creativity
✔️ Follow academic guidelines and rules provided by teachers and institutions, even when using AI tools.


❌ Avoid submitting AI-generated work without proper attribution or claiming it as their own.
❌ Do not use AI tools to cheat on assignments, tests, or exams.
❌ Refrain from engaging in unethical AI practices, such as creating deepfakes or using
❌ Do not share personal or sensitive data with AI tools or platforms that lack proper security measures.
❌ Overely on AI as a supplementary tool rather than relying solely on it for learning and problem-solving.
❌ Do not dismiss feedback or corrections from teachers or peers when using AI-generated content.
❌ Do not blindly trust AI-generated results; always verify information from reputable sources since AI tools can be biased and create hallucinations.

Best practices for student engagement with AI Tools in academic work

When students use AI tools, it is also important for them to show their process of creating their papers or assignments. They must know the following:

  • Students must be able to produce artefacts such as brainstorming, drafting, revision and/or reflection notes (Draftback and Google Revision History) to show evidence of their work.
  • Student’s work must showcase their voice and knowledge. Since teachers know the students well, conferring with them on a 1-1 basis will help them check for students’ learning.
  • Students must acknowledge the use of AI tools and cite work when required.

All students above 13 using AI tools must learn about the benefits and shortcomings of the AI tools. Although AI tools show great promise and can be used as a valuable tool for learning and growth, we must be responsible and display integrity.

Some AI tools that can be used for research are:

  • Elicit –
  • Semantic Scholar:
  • Connected Papers –
  • Research rabbit –
  • Laser AI –
  • Litmaps –
  • Inciteful –
  • Scite –

Acknowledgement: During the writing process, Bing Chat generated responses to the following prompt: Checklist for academic use of AI tools for secondary school students.

Bing Image Creator created all these images.

Resources used to write this blogpost

Academic Insider
Scribbr AI tools
Turnitin – AI writing

How can Librarians tackle AI?

By AI, Research Skills No Comments

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What are librarians thinking about AI?

  • Students are cheating and getting away.
  • How are educators going to measure learning?
  • How do we use AI and adapt to it?
  • When should we use AI?
  • How can we use AI ethically?
  • Will Librarians and Teachers cease to exist?
  • What are parents stand on using AI?
  • How is AI going to change the education landscape?

So many questions and yet many Librarians are using and exploring AI tools in a number of ways. The most important answer I am looking for and awaiting is: When will the assessments change for High School Students? How are colleges going to enroll new students? How are teachers and librarians going to change and adopt new practices? Who is going to lead us, and How?

Librarians are worried about Academic integrity and that students will cheat and their grades will not justify their learning. There is a huge setback in assessments, and what would we need to assess, and what will it look like? Many unanswered questions are still buzzing around.

So, what can librarians do for now?

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  • Encourage the use of AI Tools
  • Ask and have conversations with your students about how AI is helping them grow and learn.

How do we engage in meaningful conversations to ensure students are learning and not cheating?

So, when a student has used  AI tools to assist in their work, it’s important to assess not only the final product but also their understanding of the content and the impact of AI on their learning process. This conversation can help ensure human academic integrity.  

Engaging Conversations

Here are some questions you might ask students to allow you to gauge their understanding and the effectiveness of the AI tools:

  1. Understanding of the Topic –

   – Can you explain the main concepts and ideas in your paper in your own words?

   – How did your research with AI tools contribute to your understanding of the topic?

  1. AI Tool Selection

   – Why did you choose the specific AI tools you used for this assignment?

   – Did you consider any limitations or potential biases in the AI tools you used?

  1. Research Process 

   – How did you use AI tools in your research process? Can you describe the steps you followed?

   – Did you encounter any challenges or difficulties when using AI tools?

  1. Critical Thinking

   – How did you critically evaluate the information generated by AI tools? Did you fact-check or verify the results?

   – Did using AI tools influence your ability to think critically about the topic?

  1. Collaboration with AI

   – Did you collaborate with AI as a tool, or did it replace certain tasks you would have done manually?

   – How did you balance the contributions of AI with your own insights and analysis?

  1. Learning and Growth

   – In what ways has using AI tools impacted your learning experience for this assignment?

   – Have you developed any new skills or improved existing ones through the use of AI?

  1. Ethical Considerations

   – Did you consider the ethical implications of using AI tools, such as plagiarism or bias in AI-generated content?

   – How did you address or mitigate any ethical concerns?

  1. AI as a Learning Aid

   – Did using AI tools enhance your learning in this particular assignment?

   – How do you see the role of AI in education in general?

  1. Feedback and Revision

   – Did you receive feedback on your paper, and if so, how did you incorporate it into your work?

   – Did you use AI for revision or editing purposes, and if yes, how did it help?

  1. Future Use of AI

    – Do you see yourself using AI tools in future academic work or professional projects?

    – What lessons have you learned from this experience that you might apply in the future?

These questions can help you assess the student’s comprehension of the topic. We, as educators, will learn how students have integrated AI tools into their learning. 

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(Used ChatGPT as a thought partner)

So, it is not about NOT using AI tools but HOW AI can benefit and build students’ critical and analytical skills to problem-solve.

Librarians Teaching Points

Librarians can continue to teach evaluating resources like the CRAAP test. How Wikipedia assimilates and curates its information,  the authority of the sources, and the usage of Wikipedia. Citing AI tools are some teaching points for Librarians.

AI tools have brought more attention to the biases of information and hallucinations. Knowing the author has become very important, and the need to verify sources is essential for any critical, analytical, or descriptive research paper.

AI research tools like Elicit, Consensus, and Research Rabbit is far more effective than ChatGPT 3.5, although there is information that it is being updated, and Bard and Llama may be better. (Opinions)

There is much discussion around Artificial Intelligence being artificial in nature yet seeming to mirror sentiency. Check out this article from Singularity Hub, which provokes us to think of the possibilities of AI being sentient and how we can differentiate the sentience of AI from a human.

There may be a time when AI chips will be embedded in humans.! Sci-Fi or REAL?

Redefining Librarianship through Collaborative Teacher Partnerships (Workshop in Thailand) Check this out 

Embracing AI Tools: A Librarian’s Guide

By AI, Professional Development No Comments

Bing Image Creator

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of a librarian has expanded beyond traditional book curation and cataloguing. As AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing Chat continue to revolutionize the way we access and interact with information, librarians need to adapt to stay relevant and provide valuable resources to their patrons. 

How do you keep abreast with AI Tools:

  • Continuous Learning and Training: Educate yourself
    • Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences focused on AI and its applications in libraries.
    • Collaborate with experts in the field to gain insights into the latest AI trends.
    • Stay updated with relevant literature and research on AI’s impact on libraries.
  • Exploring AI Tools: Experiment
    • Take the time to explore and experiment with various AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing Chat – there are no shortcuts
    • Understand the capabilities of each tool and identify potential use cases in a library setting.
  • Networking: Collaborate and ask Questions 
    • Join online communities, forums, and social media groups related to library technology and AI.
    • Engage in discussions and share experiences with other librarians who are integrating AI tools.
  • User-Centric Approach: How will it help my patrons and me
    • Regularly engage with library patrons to understand their needs and preferences.
    • Identify areas where AI tools can enhance user experience and provide personalized assistance.

Embracing AI Tools in Your Library: Test, Trial, Retest, and fine-tune

  • Teaching students and adults how to use AI tools as virtual assistants
    • Integrate AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bing Chat into your lessons 
    • Learning about  tones and styles of writing
  • Enhancing Research: Practice using and playing to enhance
    • Offer workshops to teach patrons how to effectively use AI tools to conduct research and gather information.
    • Showcase how AI can aid in summarizing, extracting key points, and generating citations.
  • Data Management: Experiment and Trials
    • Explore AI solutions for efficient cataloguing and data organization, allowing librarians to focus on higher-level tasks.
    • Implement AI-powered tools to analyze usage patterns and make informed decisions about collection development.
  • Language Translation and Accessibility:
    • Integrate AI tools to aid in translating materials into various languages, promoting inclusivity.

Here are some resources to help us learn:

  1. Practical AI for Instructors and Students – Wharton School  (Part 1-4)
  2. AI tools on Wakelet
  3. Advanced Guide to ChatGPT Prompts
  4. 50 Prompts for Educators
  5. Chatgpt and Educators – Google Slides
  6. General information on AI