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Embracing AI and Loving the New AI Revolution

By AI, NEP2020 3 Comments

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Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Large Language Model Tools in Librarianship

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are revolutionizing every occupation, including librarianship. For librarians, embracing AI can save time, provide dynamic ideas, enhance library services, streamline administrative tasks, and facilitate deeper learning experiences for our patrons and profession. I am sharing ways I have used various AI tools to support my patrons. So much is happening, and I am excited to try out ChatGPT Omni. For now, here is a post about using AI tools.

Collection Analysis:

It is recommended that librarians use AI tools to accurately manage library resources and provide an analysis of our collection. I have not found them particularly useful, as our OPAC systems, like Destiny/Follett and Koha, already do a good job. These OPAC tools can help identify gaps in the collection by analyzing borrowing patterns along with the books on the shelves.

Research Support for High School

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As a school librarian, I have found it very useful to use Perplexity AI and Bing Copilot to address queries, assist with research, and guide users in navigating large amounts of information by summarizing and providing sources. I am almost tempted to stop using Google.

I recently helped an IB student create an outline for his extended essay research using Grammarly Generative AI (Premium version) and ChatGPT 3.5. It gave him direction on gathering information step by step and incorporating it into his paper. I also created an  EE Companion Chatbot, (using Chatgpt4) where students can submit their Extended Essay research papers and receive feedback.

 Research Support for Middle School

One middle school student struggled to understand the concepts of capitalism and democracy, their evolution, and which form of government he might prefer. ChatGPT explained democracy and capitalism with a simple prompt: Explain democracy to a 4th grader with metaphors and examples.” It then provided questions to check the student’s understanding. (You need to include the prompt asking the AI tool to work as a kind, supportive Tutor, that doesn’t give the answers right away)

Supporting Teachers

In collaboration with a Language Arts teacher, she and I created a Mizou chatbot that could translate Shakespearean language into modern English to understand Romeo and Juliet, aiding students in understanding the nuances of Romeo and Juliet. Check out other examples on the Mizou gallery.

As a librarian, I support English Language Learners using Diffit , which helps scaffold text and simplify videos. This tool makes delivering content and concepts easier. Input a link, select the grade level, ask for comprehension questions, and it’s ready for you.

Recently, I used Brisk to create a presentation on Google Slides, lesson plans, and a quiz. I didn’t need to embed it in another tool, as it did everything for me.

I love these tools; they help make life easy.

AI tools that I have used.

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– Magic School: content creator, YouTube summaries and questions, choice boards


– ChatGPT

– Bing Copilot

– Perplexity

Crowdsourced Ideas

Some crowdsourced ideas on how other librarians are using ChatGPT are here:

1. Emails

2. Library reports

3. Lesson plans

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4. Citations

5. Library Manual

6. Library evaluation

7. Curating or recommending resources

8. Formulating questions

9. Generating ideas

10. Book reviews

11. Age-appropriate book recommendations

12. Character descriptions

13. Title recommendations based on learner profiles

14. Book classification through AI

15. Reading challenge questionnaires

16. Book-based interactive activities

17. Quizzes based on books

Ethical use of AI tools

Issues related to privacy, data security, and the ethical use of AI should be carefully considered. I’m glad the technology team at my school manages data security while the entire team, including librarians, ensures ethical use of information. I am using the IB-prescribed norms and am inspired by Wharton Professor Ethan Mollick’s work. I recently presented at the Unplugged Conference on the ethical use of AI tools. Here is the revised presentation (if it makes sense) 

As we move forward, it is exciting to see how AI continues to shape the future of librarianship, opening new avenues for collaboration and use of information, and driving and building our intelligence and creativity.

The Role of Libraries in CBSE Curriculum (2023-24 Framework)

By NEP2020, Teacher Librarian One Comment

Recently, I read the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Framework and was very happy to see how they have recognized the pivotal role of libraries in shaping students’ academic journeys and fostering a lifelong love for reading. The recently revised CBSE National Curriculum Framework highlights the importance of libraries in achieving curricular goals, with a specific focus on language education. Here is the synopsis for libraries in the CBSE curriculum. The library has been mentioned 91 times in this document, showing its importance.  In short, librarians teach through read-aloud and short lessons to help support independent writers and independent readers. They teach and support students to research online and follow their passion through the ethical use of information and media literacy. There is also a component of service mentioned as the library project. (Librarians don’t need to assess students.).


1. Integrating Libraries into the Curriculum – 1.1 Curricular Goal: Developing Lifelong Reading Interest

One of the primary goals of language education is to instill a lifelong interest in reading among students. Recognizing this, the CBSE National Curriculum Framework allocates dedicated time for library activities in the school timetable. Library sessions, scheduled once or twice a week, aim to nurture literacy skills and build a strong foundation for language development.

1.2 Synergizing Language and Library Curricular Goals

The integration of language and library curricular goals is evident in the CBSE framework. Both subjects share time on the timetable, emphasizing the interconnectedness of language development and the role of libraries in achieving these goals. Table 4.4iii stipulates 65 hours in a school year for these activities, highlighting the commitment to fostering a reading culture.

1.3 Embracing Digital Resources

The CBSE curriculum acknowledges the evolving landscape of education by leveraging digital resources. Platforms like SWAYAM, DIKSHA, ePathshala, and the national digital library platform by IIT Kharagpur offer students access to a plethora of digital books. This forward-thinking approach aligns with the changing preferences and technological advancements of the modern era.

2. Libraries as Dynamic Learning Spaces – 2.1 Moving Beyond Traditional Notions

The CBSE framework redefines the role of libraries, emphasizing that they are not merely repositories of books but dynamic spaces designed to spark motivation and interest in reading. Teachers are encouraged to model reading behaviour, conduct read-aloud sessions, and engage students with diverse texts.

2.2 Fostering Reading Skills through Activities

The curriculum encourages a variety of engaging activities to develop reading skills. Initiatives such as ‘book of the day,’ ‘author of the day,’ library trips, literature festivals, and book exhibitions contribute to creating a vibrant reading culture within the school.

3. Libraries as Catalysts for Language Developments – 3.1 Invaluable Contributions to Language Abilities

The CBSE framework recognizes the paramount role of the school library in developing language abilities across different stages. Well-resourced libraries provide access to diverse reading materials, nurturing storytelling skills, fostering critical thinking, enhancing information literacy, and offering a safe learning space.

3.2 Library Activities for Language Development

The framework outlines a range of illustrative activities within the library that contribute to language development. From drawing time and book reviews to story-time and book clubs, these activities enrich students’ language skills, creating a holistic learning environment.

4. The Library Project: Student Involvement and Management- 4.1 Empowering Students Through Library Management

An interesting initiative within the CBSE framework is the Library Project, empowering students to actively participate in the management of the school library. This hands-on experience encourages responsibility and fosters a sense of ownership, making the library a vibrant hub for learning.

5. Inclusive Infrastructure for All – 5.1 Ensuring Accessibility and Inclusion

CBSE emphasizes inclusive infrastructure to ensure that all common spaces, including libraries, are accessible to students and teachers with disabilities. This commitment to inclusivity aligns with the broader goal of providing equitable educational opportunities for every learner.

Finally, the CBSE National Curriculum Framework, with its nuanced approach to libraries, underscores their indispensable role in shaping students’ academic and personal development. By seamlessly integrating libraries into the curriculum, fostering a love for reading, and promoting student involvement, CBSE reaffirms its commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for a rapidly changing world of teaching information and media literacy while learning to use information ethically.

According to the CBSE Framework – Role of the library according to this framework

  1. Access to a wide range of resources: A school Library could provide students with access to a wide range of resources, including books, magazines, newspapers, and other reading materials. If books are sorted according to Grade levels, categorized, and labelled according to themes and subjects, it would provoke students’ interest and allow easy access to them.
  2. Development of Language abilities: Exposure to reading diverse texts helps improve language skills, such as vocabulary, comprehension of different forms of text and language structure, different viewpoints, and overall language proficiency.
  3. Opportunities for independent reading: A Library can provide space for students to choose books that interest them and read at their own pace. Encouraging students to take books home and conducting activities in assemblies around books promotes reading among all students.
  4. Support for classroom learning: The school Library needs a mapping of Library books to Learning Standards so that the Library would not stand in isolation outside the classroom. Instead, it would be part of classroom resources and processes.
  5. Encouragement of a love of reading: By providing a wide range of engaging and age-appropriate books, students can develop a lifelong love of reading, which can have a positive impact on their language and overall development.
  6. Promotion of literacy skills: The school Library can help promote literacy through activities such as book clubs, writing workshops, and storytelling sessions, which can help students develop their language skills and become more confident readers and writers.
  7. Supporting research and inquiry: The Library offers resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and reference materials that support students’ research and inquiry-based learning.


National Curriuclum Framework – CBSE – 2023-24

Transforming Learning: Personalized Professional Development for Librarians

By NEP2020, Professional Development No Comments

According to EdWeek, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted professional development for educators.

Professional development has become more critical than ever, with teachers seeking to improve their skills and adapt to new technologies and teaching methods. The pandemic highlighted the need for ongoing, continuous professional development rather than episodic and intense training, says Kate Kopland from the University of Delaware.

There is a growing recognition that to meet the needs of the students, it is essential more than ever to stay with the current educational theories and technology tools.

According to Springer Nature, librarians must stay current on academic integrity, AI tools, and education theories because they are crucial in promoting reading, academic integrity and ethical behaviour on campus.

Liferarian Association conducted a recent survey, and here are the study results regarding how Librarians desire to continue to be professionally empowered and updated.

Librarians from the following boards took the survey:

  • CBSE Schools: 47.4%
  • IB Board: 25%
  • International & IGCSE: 14.5%
  • ICSE: 9.2%
  • State Board: 3.9%

How would Librarians want to stay relevant as lifelong learners in their profession?

  • Engage with content independently and discussions with experts – 57.9%
  • Attending conferences – 36.8%
  • Lecture format of content and best practices – 31.6%
  • Have a 1-1 program and design their learning with a coach – 23.7 %
  • Self-paced content with assignments – 23.7%

How many hours would Librarians like to invest in their professional development?

  • 50% voted to invest time during weekends
  • 50% voted to invest time during weekdays

Areas of topics for Professional Development for Librarians include the following:

  • Reading Activities to Incorporate during Library Class for Secondary School 48.7%
  • Reading Activities to incorporate during Library Class for Primary School 40.8%
  • Creating a digital presence 36.8%
  • Research Skills Advanced Course for Secondary School and Tech Tools 36.8%
  • Library Promotion 32.9%
  • Research Skills Basic Course for Primary School 28.9%
  • Mapping Curriculum 25%
  • Social media and networking 25%
  • Weeding 21.1%
  • Library Catalog Management – 19.7%
  • Extended Essay 19.7%
  • Library Budget 17.1%
  • Inventory 13.2%

As educators, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in our field. This is especially true for librarians, who play a vital role in helping students access reading and evaluate information in today’s digital age. Designing Your Own Learning: The Power of Personalized Professional Development for Librarians.

Unlock Your Potential: Personalized Professional Development for Librarians! A Great Opportunity
Personalized professional development is a great option because:

  1. It allows you to tailor your learning experience to your specific needs and interests. This means that you can focus on areas that are most relevant to your work as a librarian.
  2. Personalized professional development is also highly effective. By engaging in hands-on, interactive learning experiences, you can gain practical skills that you can immediately apply to your work. This type of learning is often more engaging and impactful than traditional, lecture-style training.
  3. In personalized professional development, you can connect with a community of like-minded educators who are also committed to improving their skills and knowledge. This can be a valuable source of support and inspiration as you work to enhance your practice.
  4. Personalized and relevant professional development is an investment in your own growth and development, as well as the growth and development of your students.

Explore the many opportunities available today and take advantage of them.
Liferarian Association is offering Personalized Professional Development at Your Fingertips!

If you are interested, please fill out this form, Librarians Unleashed. Check out the upcoming Liferarian Conference July 2023. & Liferarian Coursework 

Are You a NEP Ready Librarian?

By NEP2020, Professional Development, Professional Learning No Comments

What are NEP 2020 expectations for Librarians?

When NEP 2020 was released, I expressed my views from a librarian’s perspective on the Impact of NEP 2020 on Teacher Librarians (India)

After that, I am considering how we can take this forward and how librarians can be NEP-ready to support and build all forms of literacies for students to become meta-literate.

What does NEP 2020 say for Libraries:

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a policy document released by the Government of India that outlines the vision and goals for the education sector in India. It covers many topics, including early childhood care and education, school education, higher education, and vocational education. The NEP 2020 has several provisions that relate to librarians and library management.

  1. Use of Technology

One of the key expectations of the NEP 2020 for librarians is to promote technology in library management and make libraries more accessible to users. This includes using digital platforms and tools to manage library collections and services and provide users with access to a wide range of electronic resources.

     2. Use of Open Education Resources.

Librarians are also expected to play a key role in promoting the use of open educational resources (OERs) and other free, high-quality resources available online.

     3. Ethical Use of Information

Computer Communication

Librarians to support Information and Media Literacy

The NEP 2020 also emphasizes the importance of librarians as information literacy educators. It encourages them to collaborate with teachers and other educators to teach students how to access, evaluate, and use information effectively. Librarians are expected to play a key role in helping students develop the skills they need to be responsible digital citizens and use information technology safely and ethically.

      4. Best Practices

Finally, the NEP 2020 expects librarians to be proactive and adaptable and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the library and information science field. This may involve continuing education, professional development opportunities, and staying informed about new technologies and best practices in library management.

NEP 01: 

Enjoyable and inspirational books for students at all levels will be developed, including through high-quality translation (technology assisted as needed) in all local and Indian languages, and will be made available extensively in both school and local public libraries.


Librarians believe that they work hard to ensure they curate the best collection of books, print and digital, based on the budgets offered to them. But the question arises what can we librarians do to raise the bar of enjoyment and inspiration? How can we make our read – aloud of picture books lead to critical thinking? How can we build motivation through stories? How can we engage students and use higher-order thinking questions & discussions with our students? How can we engage in collaborative teaching and learning? How can we use visible thinking routines to develop open-minded thinking and a spirit of empathy? Liferarian Association is coming up with different workshops under the label – Are you a NEP-ready Librarian? Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining the coursework for building Literacy

NEP 02 

Public and school libraries will be significantly expanded to build a culture of reading across the country.


  1. Make sure the library is well-stocked with various books that reflect the interests and diversity of the school community. This can include fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, magazines, and more.
  2. Create a welcoming and comfortable space for students to read and study. This might include comfortable seating, plenty of natural light, and quiet areas for individual or small group work.
  3. Encourage students to visit the library regularly by offering regular programs and activities, such as book clubs, writing workshops, or author visits.
  4. Partner with teachers to integrate the library and its resources into the classroom. For example, the librarian could work with teachers to create reading lists or suggest books that tie into the curriculum.
  5. Promote the library and resources to the entire school community through newsletters, social media, and other communication channels.
  6. Make it easy for students to access books and other materials by offering flexible borrowing policies, online resources, and other convenient options.

NEP 03

Digital libraries will also be established. School libraries will be set up – particularly in villages – to serve the community during non-school hours, and book clubs may meet in public/school libraries to further facilitate and promote widespread reading.


  • Host book clubs for different age groups or interest areas, such as a mystery book club or a graphic novel book club.
  • Offer a summer reading program with incentives for students who read a certain number of books over the break.
  • Partner with local bookstores or libraries to host author events or book fairs.
  • Host a “reading marathon” where students, staff, and community members take turns reading aloud from a favorite book or series.
  • Create a “reading buddy” program where older students are paired with younger students to read together and discuss books.
  • Invite community members, such as local writers or business owners, to come and speak about their careers and the role reading has played in their success.
  • Host a “reading challenge” where students can earn prizes for reading a certain number of books in a given time period.
  • Offer a book swap program where students can bring in books they have already read and trade them for new ones.
  • Set up a “reading corner” in a high-traffic area of the school, such as the main office or cafeteria, with comfy chairs and a selection of books for students to browse and borrow.

NEP 04

A National Book Promotion Policy will be formulated, and extensive initiatives will be undertaken to ensure the availability, accessibility, quality, and readership of books across geographies, languages, levels, and genres.


To meet the NEP 04, it is important to revise the library policy to include the following:

  • Increase budget for libraries
  • Introduce a virtual library website (not google slides)
  • Automatize the library collection using OPAC
  • Provide access to the catalog online in the library and outside
  • Curate a collection of print books and ebooks to reinforce 21st-century skills 
  • Open access to resources to ensure the availability of resources
  • Provide a variety of books in different languages
  • Provide different genres for all age groups of the school community
  • Invite volunteers 
  • Yearly professional development to be provided for Librarians (50 hours as recommended by CBSE)

I look forward to your comments or interested in joining the Are you a NEP Ready Librarian Coursework, please email me at, or you may fill out this form. (For more details, check out course 04)

Customized workshops are available for NEP Ready School Librarians email: or 

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