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Checklist for using AI Tools

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AI Checklist for Students

As a secondary school library media specialist, I am learning how incredibly useful AI tools can be. Still, it is up to us to know how to use these AI tools ethically and responsibly. AI tools can be handy for students when researching and writing assignment papers, and students need to learn how to use them in a way that is ethical and responsible.

A checklist can help students understand the basics of AI. We are responsible for all the content we share and create. When using AI tools, it is recommended that we acknowledge the AI tool and cite it when used for evidence or to prove a point during research. It is to be treated like any other information source when we present our research findings.

Here is a checklist for secondary school students above 13 using AI Tools


  1. Understand the Basics: Before using any AI tool, understand what AI is and how it works. This will help you use the tool more effectively and responsibly.
  2. Follow Guidelines: Always follow the guidelines provided by the AI tool. This includes understanding the tool’s capabilities and limitations.
  3. Respect Privacy: Be mindful of privacy issues. Do not use AI tools to access or share sensitive information unless it’s necessary and appropriate.
  4. Think Critically: AI tools can be powerful, but they’re not always perfect. Use your own judgement in addition to the AI’s suggestions. Use your knowledge to check for correct information while identifying biases.
  5. Stay Safe: Be aware of potential risks and threats when using AI tools online. Protect your personal information and be cautious of potential scams or malicious software.
  6. Follow the School’s Policy: It is important to understand and share the school’s policy on AI tools and must follow the guidelines.


  1. Don’t Over-rely: While AI tools can be helpful, don’t rely on them for everything. It’s important to think for yourself and develop your own skills.
  2. Don’t Misuse: Do not use AI tools for harmful or unethical purposes. This includes bullying, cheating, or violating others’ privacy.
  3. Don’t Ignore Errors: If you notice that an AI tool is not working properly or is providing incorrect information, don’t ignore it. Report the issue to the appropriate person or organization.
  4. Don’t Skip Updates: Keep your AI tools up-to-date to ensure they work effectively and securely.
  5. Don’t Share Without Consent: Do not share others’ information without their consent, even if an AI tool allows you to do so. (The information collected by AI tools and other technology tools are often shared with third-party entities)

Educators and Librarians must continue to discuss the ethical and responsible use of AI tools. All users of AI tools are responsible for the content created by them; therefore, checking for inaccurate information lies on the individual as they engage with AI tools to produce content.

Here is a short checklist of Do’s and Don’t for students when using AI tools for research and writing


✔️ Use AI tools for research, data analysis, and information retrieval to enhance their learning experience.
✔️ Acknowledge and cite AI-generated content when used in assignments or projects.
✔️To Avoid plagiarism and provide proper attribution for AI-generated work.
✔️ Engage with AI-driven platforms and tools for personalized learning experiences
✔️ Seek help from AI-driven tutoring systems for assistance in understanding and practising academic concepts.
✔️ Use AI tools responsibly and with integrity
✔️ Employ AI tools for creative projects while maintaining originality and artistic expression and driving your own creativity
✔️ Follow academic guidelines and rules provided by teachers and institutions, even when using AI tools.


❌ Avoid submitting AI-generated work without proper attribution or claiming it as their own.
❌ Do not use AI tools to cheat on assignments, tests, or exams.
❌ Refrain from engaging in unethical AI practices, such as creating deepfakes or using
❌ Do not share personal or sensitive data with AI tools or platforms that lack proper security measures.
❌ Overely on AI as a supplementary tool rather than relying solely on it for learning and problem-solving.
❌ Do not dismiss feedback or corrections from teachers or peers when using AI-generated content.
❌ Do not blindly trust AI-generated results; always verify information from reputable sources since AI tools can be biased and create hallucinations.

Best practices for student engagement with AI Tools in academic work

When students use AI tools, it is also important for them to show their process of creating their papers or assignments. They must know the following:

  • Students must be able to produce artefacts such as brainstorming, drafting, revision and/or reflection notes (Draftback and Google Revision History) to show evidence of their work.
  • Student’s work must showcase their voice and knowledge. Since teachers know the students well, conferring with them on a 1-1 basis will help them check for students’ learning.
  • Students must acknowledge the use of AI tools and cite work when required.

All students above 13 using AI tools must learn about the benefits and shortcomings of the AI tools. Although AI tools show great promise and can be used as a valuable tool for learning and growth, we must be responsible and display integrity.

Some AI tools that can be used for research are:

  • Elicit –
  • Semantic Scholar:
  • Connected Papers –
  • Research rabbit –
  • Laser AI –
  • Litmaps –
  • Inciteful –
  • Scite –

Acknowledgement: During the writing process, Bing Chat generated responses to the following prompt: Checklist for academic use of AI tools for secondary school students.

Bing Image Creator created all these images.

Resources used to write this blogpost

Academic Insider
Scribbr AI tools
Turnitin – AI writing