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Times Lit Fest in Mumbai -2016

Betimes-lit-1ing invited to the Times Lit Fest, 2016, was such a rewarding experience. I was delighted when Bachi Karkaria called me to be in the panel discussion ‘Always a Lender and a Borrower Be – The vanishing world of libraries’ in Times Hall with Writer Shashi Warrier and with three other librarians Ahalaya Momaya, Vibha Kamat, and writer/library builder Mridula Koshy.

All of us believed that books are never going to go away, libraries are an essential part of education especially in India. Mridula who works in Delhi said that there are lots of children who have no privilege of enjoying stories. Vibha felt that often during the children’s exam times, students are pressured by parents to score well academically are not encouraged to enjoy a book during that period. That’s the sad part of the situation in India.

Shashi Warrier chatted with Ahalya and us about the changing roles of libraries.  I believe, that books are here to stay; eBooks will continue to play a significant role in reading, and it doesn’t matter what format the book is read in, it is the content of the book that is important.  Librarians who hold the storehouse of information not only support reading and literacy but also help students navigate the web on information on the internet. Librarians must continue to help students and adults navigate the web safely and efficiently. They must continue to help them become information, media and news literate. In today’s age and time, when there is 24×7 news and social media penetrating our lives, it is even more important to identify the right information and use information ethically.

Librarians hold the storehouse of information, they not only support reading and literacy but also help students navigate the web on information on the internet. Librarians must continue to help students and adults navigate the web safely and efficiently. They must continue to help them become information, media and news literate. In today’s age and time, when there is 24×7 news and social media penetrating our lives, it is even more important to identify the right information and use information ethically.


One Comment

  • I was fortunate enough to be a witness for the panel discussion. Ideas shared by Heeru and other panelists were were frank, practical and thought provoking. Yes, atleast as of now, books in their physical form for sure are going to be around for many more years.
    Heeru, keep it up. Do voice your concerns wherever you can. Best wishes. LbnRaj :

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